This helpful little book by Coach Antony, explains and answers many of the often asked questions by his clients and students. He explains not only the basics (and necessities) of English grammar - in a clear and structured way - but also other essential confusions and mistakes when learning the English language. Each chapter takes us by the hand, in a friendly and non-threatening way, explaining the essential tenses needed in our personal and professional continuing development.‘Calming English Grammar’ has been specially designed for the busy modern professional. It differs from many other similar grammar books, by not striving to be a ‘complete work’ of English grammar, but instead offers a relaxed and calming approach – together with removing societal perfectionism and finding one’s own pace/tempo/rythme.Once we let go of the struggle of achieving perfection, there is a tranquil calm waiting for our arrival. This calm is achieved by freely accepting that getting English grammar right 80% of the time is the only authentic recipe for complete success and harmony. Of the other 20%, we can just learn from these inaccuracies by transforming them into positive learning experiences. Those who are currently doing some sort of training at work are now also having to deal with being at home and remote-working; being socially-isolated from their colleagues and workplace; plus having little or no indication about how the future might turn out.As many online meetings are now held in English, this can also add extra stress to the employee when trying to understand and argue important changes within an organisation. This 'new normal' means that many employees are also now needing to brush-up and advance their use of the English language - for not only their professional lives (Continual Professional Development) but also their private lives too.