This text teaches you the fundamentals of microeconomics as they relate to the administration and enforcement of antitrust laws both domestically and internationally. The chapters instruct you in the fundamental economic constructs for analysis of antitrust injury, as well as address both legal and economic issues related to the measurement of antitrust damages. Each chapter provides you, the student, practitioner, consultant and/or judicial officer, with critical insight into the analysis and measurement of competitive injury and resulting business damages. You will learn about monopolies, cartels, and deadweight loss, valuing lost opportunities, methods for proving antitrust damages, microeconomics vs. jurisprudential economics, and more.Each of the contributing authors is recognized for his or her scholarship and expertise in the antitrust regulatory field. Their varied backgrounds and experiences illustrates, for you, the interdisciplinary nature of regulating competition in the markets of the world.Topics Include: * Economics of competitive injury * Antitrust injury * Antitrust damages * Monopolies * Cartels * Deadweight loss * Value of lost opportunities * Sunk costs * Market imperfections * Role of hindsight * Ex ante approach * Ex post approach * Economic authority * Expert testimony * Predatory pricing * Market power * Microeconomic analysis * Perfect competition model * Microeconomics vs. Jurisprudential economics